
Solar PV Solutions

The systems provide sufficient energy for the specific application, can store the energy in "maintenance free" batteries and provide energy on rainy/cloudy days for up to 7 days without sun, depending on client specifications.

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Wind Power Solutions

Our portfolio includes a suite of onshore turbines, with support services, operations, and maintenance. We provide customised wind power solutions that best address your requirements.

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Biomass & Biofuels

Consistent availability of perennial biomass feedstock is a prerequisite. It involves the use of perennial biomass to generate electricity and heat. This offers a “bridge” to a clean, renewable energy future.

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Legends Associates Ltd with Strategic Partners is delivering clean affordable energy solutions to businesses in Africa

Power Lease Agreement

You pay a fixed rate for the contract period (15-20 years), with an option to purchase or renew at the end of the lease.

Power Purchase Agreement

You pay monthly for the required energy only without owning the assets.

Capital Investment

You purchase the system outright and own the assets. After installation, we maintain the plant as a service (for a fee).

Property Development

We are engaged in property development projects situated in Kiambu and Nairobi Counties, along with other strategic areas, emphasizing on neighborhoods catering to middle- and upper-income demographics.

Internal Medicine

Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of internal diseases.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

The institution specializes in the provision of Chinese herbal healthcare services.


The clinic provides information on pre-operative preparation and post-operative care.

Kidney Stone Operation

The institution specializes in kidney ailment treatment.

Renewable Energy

We provide solutions in power costs reduction using green technologies.

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